Helpful Tools and Tips for Healthy Eating

Some folks have a natural desire to cook and some do not. Implementing lifestyle changes can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to cooking.  Here are a few kitchen tools that won’t make your non-culinary inclined head spin.

spiralizerOne of the more user friendly tools on the market is a Spiralizer. Spiralizers turn your vegetables or fruits into thin spaghetti like strands.  Place your fruit or veggie on one end of the Spiralizer and turn the handle so the vegetable goes into the blade resulting in a spiraled veggie; zucchini makes a great spiralized veggie.  Lightly sauté zucchini in a pan with olive oil or add it to organic chicken broth for a soup. Try using strands of zucchini as your pasta and top it with sauce and other chopped vegetables. You can purchase Spiralizers on Amazon, or in most cooking shops.  Your guests will be impressed with your cooking creativity.

A few other handy tools to have in the kitchen are a blender, a handheld chopper and a diffuser. Blenders are perfect for making smoothies, like this one:

  • ½ banana
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • a handful of spinach
  • a few slices of frozen peaches
  • a drizzle of organic honey to taste
  • Blend ingredients together until it’s a smooth consistency and enjoy

Blenders can also be used to whip up “nice cream,” an alternative ice cream. Combine in a blender:

  • 2 frozen bananas
  • ½ cup coconut milk
  • a drizzle of organic honey to taste
  • Blend ingredients together on a low speed until it’s a thick consistency. Add nuts or shredded coconut as a topping and enjoy.

chopperA handheld chopper is your best friend when prepping dinner or other meals for the week. Choppers can quickly cut up vegetables, fruits or even nuts. I like to use my chopper when making my salads for the week. Some of the ingredients I chop are:

  • Carrots
  • Apples
  • Celery
  • Green onion
  • Almonds
  • Add to a mixture of kale and spinach and top with some lemon juice, olive oil and apple cider vinegar.

Infusers are another great item to have in your kitchen. Infusers are small containers with tiny holes that can fit inside a water bottle or pitcher. Throw some lemon or orange into the infuser and let it sit in your water overnight to get the health benefits from the fruit.  Here’s my favorite infuser recipe:

Simply chop the following fruits and let sit for a few hours

  • Strawberries
  • Mint
  • Lemon

Sky’s Bottom Line:

When trying to eat healthy try a user friendly kitchen tools such as a spiralizer, blender, handheld chopper or water diffuser. Cooking and eating healthy should be easy and fun!




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